Pump Repair, Fire Pump Repair, Chemical Pump Repair, Industrial Pump Repair, Refinery Pump Repair, Depot Pump Repair, Factory Pump Repair, Process Pump Repair, Water Pump Repair, Ammonia Pump Repair, Factory Pump Repair, Transfer Pump Repair, All other kinds of pump, we repair them with warranty Pump Repair, Pump Reconditioning, Pump Servicing, Pump Rehabilitation, Pump Upgrade, Pump Overhaul We are an industrial electrical-mechanical service company that provides constant top-notch, reliable, safe and trusted industrial services to customers. We value establishing goodwill and long-term relationship with our customers through our quality work and projects. We give our valued customers quality and trusted industrial solution services for industrial and commercial applications. List of our quality industrial solutions Available in Mindanao and Visayas: Pump Servicing: Pump Repair Pump Rehabilitation Pump Installation & Maintenance Pump Shaft Seal Replacement Shaft Seal Servicing: Mechanical Seal, Engineered Seal Repair and Installation Pump Shaft Seal & Mechanical Seal Reconditioning Services Pump Seal & Mechanical Shaft Seal Retrofitting Industrial Shaft Seal Design Other Services we offer; Induction Motor Rewinding Electric Motor Rewinding Industrial Machine Installation Automation Control Panel Wiring Installation Generator Set Supply, Installation, Maintenance & Repair Maintenance Electrical and Mechanical Installation & Repair Works pumprepair pumpreconditioning pumprehabilitation pumpinstallation pumpmaintenance shaftseal shaftsealreplacement shaftsealretrofitting pumpmotorservicing pumpmotorrepair industrialmotorservicing industrialmotorrepair alcoser alcoserindustrialservices pumpmotor industrialpumpmotor eliasmiramita eliasm Operations From 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM Mondays to Saturdays We are avaialble in Mindanao & Visayas region Interested in our services? We serve in areas in Visayas and Mindanao Contact Person: ART
Date posted:01/20/2025 10:59:56
Ending date (ad expires):01/20/2026(Days remaining: 313)
Region:R11 - DavaoProvince:Davao City
Phone / mobile:+639...?
Email:? @yahoo.com✓
Contact person / company:Jarod Mira
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ServicesOther services Offering
Statistics:217 impressions / 26 visits
Pump Repair, Jockey Pump Repair, Fire Pump Repair
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Fire Pump and Fire Pump Engine Repair
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