Kiosk Maker, Mall Kiosk Maker, Food Kiosk Maker Maker of Food Cart, Other Cart, Mall Cart, Mall Stall, Mall Booth, Cellphone Kiosk, Business Kiosk, Food Kiosk, Food Stall, Other Carts Kiosks Booths Stalls for all kinds of business. Kiosk Maker, In-line Shop maker, Stall maker, Booth Maker We customize to your specific business needs. We offer very competitive and reasonable prices. We will provide you only commercial mall quality work and products. We have made and delivered to over 400 clients nationwide. High Quality & Durable Maker of: a. Food Carts, Mall Carts, Commercial Carts b. Food Kiosks, Mall Kiosks, Outdoor Kiosks c. Food Stalls, Mall Stalls, Commercial Stalls Other services we offer: 1. Commercial Signage, Business Sign, Billboards 2. Commercial Shop or Store Construction & Renovations 3. Business Cart & Kiosk Design Contact us: Globe +63-9173338193 Smart +63-9390023442 Viber +63-9390023442 foodcart foodkiosk mallcart mallkiosk foodcartmaker foodkioskmaker mallcartmaker mallkioskmaker cartmaker kioskmaker collapsiblecart cart kiosk mallcartforsale mallkioskforsale foodcartforsale foodkioskforsale cartforsale kioskforsale boothforsale stallforsale booth stall cartfabicator kioskfabricator foodcartfabrication foodkioskfabrication foodbooth foodstall eliasm Search mall kiosk maker mall food maker mall kiosk fabricator mall food fabricator food cart fabricator mall cart fabricator food booth maker food stall maker
Price: ₱ 78000
Date posted:01/20/2025 11:00:17
Ending date (ad expires):01/20/2026(Days remaining: 313)
Region:R17 - National Capital RegionProvince:Pasay City
Phone / mobile:+639...?
Contact person / company:Jarod Miralles
Posted in category:
ServicesBusiness Offering
Statistics:227 impressions / 30 visits
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