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Cebu Waterproofing Contractor and supplier

ClassifiedsMiscellaneous, otherOtherClassified ad - Offering

Trimar Construction AND Trading is a professional waterproofing contractor since 2014 who has the knowledge and expertise for all your waterproofing needs that you can depend. Trimar assures high quality waterproofing materials that are being used for the job, backed by warranty in all our full treatment projects. Trimar uses high end waterproofing materialsWe guarantee our work from (3) to (5) years. Trimar have a team of highly trained personnel. We are committed to deliver high standard of workmanship and professional service. Trimar Construction and Trading also sells waterproofing materials like: Pioneer Pro Watertite 100 Instant Plug (Rapid Setting Mortar) - Pioneer Pro Watertite 101 (Capillary by Crystallization) - Pioneer Pro Watertite 102 (Flexible Cementitious - Gallon size) - Pioneer Pro Watertite 103 (Flexible Cementitious - Pail size) - Torch On Membrane sanded 3mm thickness - Torch On Membrane granulated 3.5mm thickness or 4.5kg - Torch On Membrane granulated 4mm thickness - Polyurethane or PU Waterproofing

Condition: New

Price: ₱ 800

Date posted:12/19/2024 04:15:37

Ending date (ad expires):12/19/2025(Days remaining: 263)

Region:R7 - Central VisayasProvince:Cebu

Phone / mobile:0322...?


Web (URL address):http:// ?

Contact person / company:Trimar Construction & Trading

User - registered since:02/02/2019

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Miscellaneous, otherNew Other Offering

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