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Classified ads from this user [Nick: elias1x] / from email address #370625

Quality Supplier ot OIL SEAL (For industrial use)

For Sale Oil Seals. Reliable Oil Seal Supply. Our oil seals are engineered for different industrial components, including electric motors, centrifugal pumps, and hydraulic pumps. Our oil seals...

10/24/2024 05:02:11Condition: NewFood processing machines - For saleMisamis Oriental - Province
Quality Gasket For Sale

Gaskets for Sale (industrial Grade AND Quality) - Effective Gaskets for Industrial Applications for Sale - WE offer effective gaskets for fuel and oil applications, as well as food-grade gaskets. Our...

10/24/2024 05:00:22Condition: NewSpare parts, components - For saleMisamis Oriental - Province
Metallic Gasket FOR SALE

Metallic Gaskets Supply for High-Performance Metallic Gaskets Sealing. We provide high-performance metallic gaskets specifically designed for LPG and gas applications. Trust our reliable metallic...

10/24/2024 05:00:06Condition: NewPumps, filters - For saleMisamis Oriental - Province
Couplings FOR PUMP Motor

Couplings for Pump & Motor Assembly. Efficient Power Transmission Couplings FOR PUMP Motor Assembly. We sell, offer, install efficient power transmission couplings suitable for pump and motor...

10/24/2024 04:59:53Condition: NewMotors and electric motors - For saleMisamis Oriental - Province
Rubberized Hubs, Rubberized Rollers - FOR SALE

Quality Seller of Rubber Hubs and Rollers. Durable Rubberized Hubs and Rollers for Industrial use. We offer rubberized hubs and rollers, including rubber bushings and dampers, provide effective...

10/24/2024 04:59:38Condition: NewOther machines - For saleMisamis Oriental - Province
For Sale: Rubber Fingers for Chicken Dressing Plang

Quality Reliable Rubber Fingers for Chicken Dressing Plant. WE offer reliable rubber fingers designed for dressing plants. Our rubber fingers provide effective material handling, ensuring precise...

10/24/2024 04:59:21Condition: NewProduction lines - For saleMisamis Oriental - Province
Pump Motor Sales and Supply

Supplier of Electric Motor, Pumps and other machineries. We offer Motor Fan Blades for Motor & Pump. We provide, supply, sell motor fan blades suitable for electric motors and exhaust fans. Trust...

10/24/2024 04:58:51Condition: NewPumps, filters - For saleMisamis Oriental - ProvincePrice: ₱ 1999
Electrical Supply Sales Trading and Services

Industrial Quality Electrical Supply. We offer Comprehensive Electrical Industrial Supplies. We offer a comprehensive range of electrical industrial supplies, including magnetic contactors, breakers,...

10/24/2024 04:58:34Other services - OfferingMisamis Oriental - ProvincePrice: ₱ 999
Motor Rewinding for all types of Electric Induction Motor

Avail our rewinding of all motors and repairs of all types of pumps. *We also have expert and professional repair services for all types of pumps for residential, commercial and industrial...

10/24/2024 04:58:00Food processing machines - OfferingMisamis Oriental - Province
SLAU Services - Industrial Pump Motor Service Center

Slimt your reliable partner in meeting all your industrial machinery required services, repairs, reconditioning and more. We are committed to providing you with reliable and high-quality solutions to...

10/24/2024 04:57:47Other services - OfferingMisamis Oriental - ProvincePrice: ₱ 2000
Logo Maker for Food Carts

Business Logo Maker, Food Cart Logo Maker and Logo Designer We create and make different designs for the following: Business Logo & Personal Logo - Food Cart Logo Maker, Graphic Designer, Logo...

12/20/2024 00:09:16Consulting services - OfferingValenzuela City - ProvincePrice: ₱ 4500
Gift Card, Gift Tag, Thank You Card - Personalized

We make Gift Tags, Calling Cards, Product Labels, Sticker Labels, Souvenir Tags, Thank you Tags, Invitations, Calendars, Money Envelopes. Personalized and customized for your own purpose. Unique...

12/20/2024 00:09:20Condition: NewOther - For salePampanga - ProvincePrice: ₱ 1600
Payroll System

Payroll Software and Payroll System No maximum employees input. No expiry on software. Easy to operate. Simple operation and encoding System Features: Employee - 201, month ∕ day rate, shift,...

12/20/2024 00:09:23Condition: NewSoftware, applications - For saleLaguna - ProvincePrice: ₱ 25000
Food Kiosk, Mall Kiosk, Food Cart, Mall Stall for Sale

FOR SALE: Mall Kiosk, Mall Carts, Mall Stalls Food Kiosk and Cart Specifications: Quality and durable, conforms commercial & mall standards - Main body (with wheels) with sizes 4ft, 6ft, 2m -...

12/20/2024 00:09:26Other services - For saleTaguig City - ProvincePrice: ₱ 49000
St. Peter Plans (Funeral and Memorial Plan)

St. Peter Plan - Memorial Service Package. Inclusions: * Pick up of cadaver* Preparations for viewing and chapel venue* 4 days chapel wake or in your home* E-burol service*...

12/20/2024 00:09:30Other services - OfferingCavite - ProvincePrice: ₱ 1100
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