Shop posting rules -
- Only online shops that sell and deliver goods in this country are allowed: Philippines, English language!
- It is prohibited to add online shop entries that are not online shops! Only online shops may be added – shops that present their goods directly on a website and allow ordering of goods directly via the internet!
- Each online shop can have only one listing in the list of online shops. Do not add the same shop multiple times!
- It is prohibited to add online shop entries containing coarse language, offensive statements, meaningless, untrue and deceptive information, information promoting illegal drugs, gambling, online casinos, prescription drugs, tobacco products, smoking, copying of data carriers, discrimination, racism, violence, or any other content that promotes illegal activities, violates human rights, or is in contradiction with good manners.
- It is forbidden to add online shops with URL addresses that function on the principle of referral programs or affiliate programs.
- It is prohibited to post shop listing typed exclusively or mostly in capital letters.
- Shops with sexually explicit content (erotic texts, pictures) may only be added in the "Erotic" category. For shops in the "Erotic" category, erotic content is permitted, but pornographic content and pictures showing genitals, sex acts, sexual intercourse are strictly prohibited.
- It is prohibited to add shop listing containing a www address (URL), telephone number or e-mail directly in the shop name or in the shop description. For these contacts, there are fields in the section "Your contact data".
- All online shops will be checked by our administrators. If any of the mentioned rules are violated, your online shop listing will be deleted (without prior notification), or even complete cancellation of your user account on this site may occur.
- If an illegal content is added or if the Portal or other person / firm is impaired, any information about you, including your IP address, may be provided to competent bodies and the party impaired and may be used against you within criminal proceedings.