POS - Point of Sale System with Inventory Management Option 1: Full Package All Brand New Package - P32, 000 Option 2: Full Package Refurbished PC - P25, 000 Option 3: POS Software Only - P8, 000 Software Features: Cashier Module (cash, credit card, vat ∕ non-vat, membership, wholesale, retail, SR ∕ PWD discount, partial ∕ dp, hold ∕ resume, loyalty points, collections, etc.) Stock Movement (PO, SI, Transfer In ∕ Out, etc.) Report with Graphs (Daily, Monthly, Yearly, etc.) Stand-alone or multi-terminals (multi-users, client-server setup) Simple, clean, user-friendly interface Runs on low PC ∕ Laptop specs with Windows XP or later This system ∕ software is designed for medium, small, micro enterprise with the following type of business: Mini Marts, Groceries, Convenience Store, Supermarket (CGS), Hardware Store Drugstore and Pharmacy Sporting Goods Hardware and Electrical Supplies Appliance Centers Motor and Bicycle Parts Shops Auto Motor Parts and Car Accessories Book Stores Salon or Barber Shops, Personal Care Shops Boutiques Souvenir Shops School Supplies Office Supply Stores Electronic, Cellphones, Gadget and Accessories Department Store, Clothing and Shoes Agrivet Supplies Pet Shop, Animal Supplies & Feeds Diagnostic Laboratories Mobile Phone and Computer Shops School and Office Supplies Restaurants, Service Business Softdrink Beer Dealer Food Business Restaurants Service Business Other Retail Business with 50 items (SKU) or more! How can it help your business? Makes sales transaction fast and accurate - Monitor stock movement in real time - Determine bestselling & slow moving items - View or export sales & inventory reports daily, monthly, and yearly - View sales performance & comparatives - Tracks sales orders and dues from suppliers - Maintain control & improve efficiency - Manage special price, discounts & promos - Eliminate tedious manual paper works stockmonitoring stockmanagement stocksystem stockinventorysystem stockinventory pos poswithstocksystem poswithinventory eliasm
Price: ₱ 32000
Date posted:01/25/2025 02:56:37
Ending date (ad expires):01/25/2026(Days remaining: 319)
Region:R4a - CalabarzonProvince:Laguna
Phone / mobile:+63-...?
Email:? @yahoo.com✓
Contact person / company:Numark M
Posted in category:
Computers, infor. technologyComputer services, repairs For sale
Statistics:279 impressions / 28 visits
Point of Sale (POS System)
Point of Sale (POS System) - POS, Point of Sale. We are offering quality business application solution software at a very affordable price available in the market today. No monthly or yearly...
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