Point of Sale POS. Point-of-Sale System (POS), (cash, credit card, vat, non-vat, membership, wholesale, retail, etc) Stock Movement (PO, SI, Transfer In ∕ Out, etc) Reports with Graphs Sales Inventory Stock (Daily, Monthly, Yearly, etc). Simple clean interface, user-friendly. This POS is very EASY TO USE. Design for the following businesses: Groceries, Supermarket, Hardware Store, Drugstore, School ∕ Office Supply, Electronic Gadget, Department Store, Agrivet Supplies, Convenience Stores or Grocery Stores, Diagnostic Laboratories, Mobile Phone and Computer Shops, School and Office Supplies, Sporting Goods, Hardware and Electrical Supplies, Appliance Centers, Motor and Bicycle Parts Shops, Auto Parts and Car Accessories, Book Stores, Restaurants, Fast Food, Dealers, Salon or Barber Shops, Souvenir Shops, Other Retail Business, Hotels, Motels, Inns, Transient Houses, Restaurants, General Merchandise Store, Mini Mart, Agricultural Supply and Machinery, Food Stores, Variety Stores, Sari sari stores, Meat and Frozen Products, Meat Shops, any business with 100 items or more! pos pointofsales inventorymanagement inventorysystem possystem pointofsalessystem stockmonitoring stocksystem possoftware grocery minimart conveniencestore supermarket hardware drugstore schoolsupply officesupply departmentstore clinic diagnostic mobileshop computershop appliance autoparts bookstore salon beautyparlor barbershop souvenirshop restaurantpos spa service dealer distributor reseller fastfood foodbusiness servicebusiness electronic gadget posforbusiness posforhotel posformotel posforrestaurant posforgrocery posforminimart posforconvenientstore eliasm eliasmiramita. (Option 1 Software only P7, 990 Option 2 Complete Set Up Full package P24, 990). Free 30 days trial of the software. Operations manual included. One time payment only. Lifetime use. No monthly subscription fees. After Sales Support & Technical Support available. Contact us, call us today!
Condition: New
Price: ₱ 7990
Date posted:01/10/2025 01:20:56
Ending date (ad expires):01/10/2026(Days remaining: 303)
Region:R4a - CalabarzonProvince:Cavite
Phone / mobile:+639...?
Email:? @gmail.com✓
Contact person / company:Yvan Mark
Posted in category:
Computers, infor. technologyNew Software, applications For sale
Statistics:399 impressions / 49 visits
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