Payroll Software and Payroll System No maximum employees input. No expiry on software. Easy to operate. Simple operation and encoding System Features: Employee - 201, month ∕ day rate, shift, history, photo, login, SL ∕ VL, etc. - DTR (reads 3rd party e-DTR) - Auto, semi, manual - Absent, late ∕ UT, overtime, ND, holiday, restday, leave - Payroll Processing - Unlimited employees * Customized setting for your requirements * Compute all types of overtime, SSS, PhilHealth, PagIbig, W ∕ Tax * Auto deduct loans on schedule ∕ cash adv., sss, home, etc Global or individual setting * Reports ∕ pay summary, payslip, remittances, etc All reports can be exported to Excel * FREE 30 days software trial - no restrictions! Clean interface, easy to use, intuitive Available with add-on like biometrics, magnetic swipe card, finger scan or beep card Designed for any business with employees with daily rate & monthly rate Complete Package - P32, 000 Software only - P24, 990 payroll payrollsystem simplepayroll simplifiedpayroll payrollsoftware software dtr dailytimerecord digitalpayroll computerizedpayroll
Condition: New
Price: ₱ 25000
Date posted:12/20/2024 00:09:23
Ending date (ad expires):12/20/2025(Days remaining: 270)
Region:R4a - CalabarzonProvince:Laguna
Phone / mobile:+639...?
Contact person / company:Elias M
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Computers, infor. technologyNew Software, applications For sale
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